Man, I don't know... I just find it utterly hilarious. Maybe I'm just to tired... Oh well, good on you for making a really good parody of the ClockCrew and Weebl & Bob. You are one Strange Clock.
Man, I don't know... I just find it utterly hilarious. Maybe I'm just to tired... Oh well, good on you for making a really good parody of the ClockCrew and Weebl & Bob. You are one Strange Clock.
I hope you wake up in a bed full of beautiful models and crisp hunderd dollar bills tomorrow, ok
Nice artwrk! Its so detailed that the art seems to jump out of the screen. But does this serve a purpose? Seems like just a bunch of random brain farts.
Love the cursor!
Graphics: Very good. Good use of the trailling effects. Sometimes, though, it gets a little choppy. They occur mostly in the scenes without fighting.
Style: Oooo... A fighting movie, that has the beginnings to a semi-deep plot. Hardly see these nowadays.
Sound: Everything is well in sync and on cue. With voice acting this movie would be a definite 10 in my books. You really should've used a different song than the song from Zelda for the alarm song, it ruines the uniqueness of the movie, since it is a commonly heard song.
Violence: Fighting scenes are top-notch. You can actually see what is happening with the trailling effects.
Despite all of my negative comments, this will be one of my favorite movies! Can't wait to see the next one!
Loved every sec of it.
Graphics: Very well drawn, especially like Sonya's hair - very realistic looking, for Flash.
Sounds: Good voice acting.
Humour: You should've had something other than Fatality at the end. Like Babeality, or a unique fatality type.
Keep up the good work. Looks like a good series.
Thanks a bunch, dude. I really have to give props to Kagome for doing the voice of Sonya. She made this Flash work.
As for having Fatality bit at the end, I thought it would be a nice touch.
Very mixed-up
Graphics: I guess you can draw stationary people pretty well. But not animating a walk cycle? If you had a good walk cycle it would make this movie look much better. The backgrounds and other objects were pretty crappy.
Style: Plot not very original. Guy thinks girl wants him, girl doesn't, guy embarasses himself.
Sound: Liked the girl's and the postman's voices, but Gary's voice was awful.
Humour: For some reason I liked it, even though the plot wasn't original. Maybe it was the hand motions/arm waving.
You should upload the other 2 movies, but I suppose they are worse than this one and would get blammed. Maybe improve the graphics and get a better voice for Gary, if you submit the other 2.
You've done it again.
Graphics: Your usual style of drawing things. Love it.
Style: I like this new style of yours. It actually has a solid, yet weird plotline. But, when the committee is imagining, why are they all sitting on chairs? I thought all of the chairs were banned.
Sound: Love your voice acting. Your movies hardly ever need music, they are great even with only dialogue.
Humour: You always have such good and funny ideas and present them is such interesting ways.
How do you come up with all of these great movies?
I challenge you to...
Graphics: Very nice. I guess you can draw people well but don't know for other objects. Where's the money at the end when Scorpion wins the bet?
Style: Very creative ideas. Good to see that the Mortal Combat series has not been totally squeezed out of parody ideas.
Sound: The volume seems to change a lot. That or the voice actors are talking in differnt strengths.
Humour: Very funny. Loved the intro scene.
Want to see the rest of the series badly now.
Someone needs a hug.... YOU! *huggles*
Age 36, Male
Joined on 8/21/00